We've been talking, for a while now, about uses for our pulp after juicing. It seems a shame to throw out something that has so much potential. Our initial thought was to do a compost pile with them but, since we don't currently have a compost pile, that idea is out the window.
As I was looking around the Reboot with Joe website, I came across an article highlighting nine ways to use that pulp.
Here's a quick summary if you don't feel like checking out the whole article:
- A veggie broth
- Mixed in with a veggie burger
- Added to your next smoothie
- Composting
- Added to some spaghetti and veggie balls.
- Homemade dog treats
- Freeze for later use.
I found another site that had some very cool ideas for pulp use. These are a few I'd really like to try, so I'll keep you updated if/when we give them a shot.
This site also has a few good pulp ideas. Ah, the wonders of the Internet.
We've also thought of using the pulp from fruit juicing to bake a nice dessert. We'll keep you updated on that one, as well.
Until next time, make healthy choices!